United Methodist Committee on Relief
In places all around the world, UMCOR will be there, providing hope and healing to people and communities devastated by disasters. We can do this only with the support of UMC congregations around the world on a few Sundays in March which supports UMCOR infrastructure and allows for all other donations throughout the year to go directly to those who are suffering when a disaster occurs. If you can help support the infrastructure of UMCOR with a portion of your giving this month - please mark your envelope accordingly.
UMCOR Overview from Global Ministries on Vimeo.
Mission Team Projects
We’re blessed to have an active mission team to invite our support of area missions, making contributions or collecting items to help others - through:
MANITOWOC WARMING SHELTER – The warming shelter, located at the First Presbyterian Church at 502 N. 8th St. is opening November 15th-April 15th. This is a place where homeless individuals can sleep overnight, receive an evening meal and light breakfast, as well as shower vouchers to use at the YMCA, laundry resources and bus tokens, as needed. Volunteers and donations are needed for continued operation; if interested, please visit https://manitowocwarmingshelter.org for more info.
Sock Collection – We will be having a collection of new, warm socks to help support the ministry of the warming shelter, which will be set up in Fellowship Hall and run through October. It was suggested that unisex athletic type socks would be most welcome. A bin is located at the welcome center. Thank you for your support!
Guatemala Mission
Our partnership with Noah’s Ark Church in the village of Caserio Los Ciprianos, Guatemala continues!
After many efforts to maintain contact with Noah's Ark Church - we've not heard anything in many months now. Please continue to the people of the church in prayer, even as we make new connections with United Methodist Global Ministry efforts in that country.
We are currently in dialogue with two different 'Advance Projects' in Guatemala. We're glad to describe the projects; both of them fulfill our hopes of finding a way to improve life for people in Guatemala - so they do not have to leave their country to sustain life into the future!
Odim Guatemala (The Organization for the Development of the Indigenous Maya) The goal of this organization is "compassionate, competent care for our communities." They seek ways for the people of San Juan and San Pablo la Laguna to have access to healthcare and education in this generation and for generations to come.
Pura Vida: The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for underprivileged children in rural Guatemala to continue their education as far as they desire. Essentially, they hope to see more students stay in school longer - finishing high school and heading for university - then working in professional fields!
Fundraising Ongoing: You may donate to our support of these missions by sending cash or check to: Lakeshore UMC, 411 Reed Avenue, Manitowoc, WI 54220
Mission Team Financial Support
Lakeshore Mission team invites contributions to respond to the needs of people in crisis seeking help from our ministry here on Reed Avenue:
Helping Hand Fund responds to provide temporary financial help for people connected to our congregation.
Good Samaritan Fund responds to the needs of people in crisis throughout our greater community, who initially have no connection to our congregation.
Everyone is welcome to join us for any of our church activities.