Who We Are
Lakeshore is a warm, welcoming congregation for all persons discerning next steps of their faith journey. We welcome faith and life questions, as we work on our answers in discussion and reflection together.
Lakeshore United Methodist Church offers many opportunities for everyone involved to work toward achieving our mission: "We are a welcoming, caring Christian congregation seeking spiritual growth by sharing God's love, making disciples of Jesus Christ in our community and world."
We continue to seek ways to expand our ministry in Manitowoc county and beyond.
We strive to live into the United Methodist Church's vision for “making new disciples of Jesus Christ, for the transformation of the world.”
These are our aspirations. We pray our ministries make these hopes become a reality. We're working on it - together!
Lakeshore Church is a
United Methodist congregation.
The people of Lakeshore Church are part of a worldwide connection of more than 12 million members in Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States called The United Methodist Church.
Learn more about The United Methodist Church
Learn more about the Wisconsin Conference
Lakeshore Church is
better together.
Lakeshore Church was formed by the merging of three United Methodist congregations in Manitowoc and Two Rivers, Wisconsin - ultimately gathering at one ministry site at 411 Reed Avenue in Manitowoc.