Education is vital to who we are at Lakeshore Church — and includes people at every age and stage of life.
You don’t need to be a member of Lakeshore Church to participate! All classes, studies, and groups are open to all people. Classes for children and youth are always free. Some programs and studies for adults may include a book or guide to be purchased. If, for whatever reason, you are ever unable to afford the materials for a study, please contact Pastor Cherie.
We are committed to providing protective care of all children, youth, vulnerable adults and volunteers who participate in church-sponsored activities. Our Safe Sanctuary policy is a “social structure that is consistent with the gospel,” allowing the spaces and activities where we gather to worship and serve God to be places of safety and trust.

Lakeshore Kids
Sunday School for Children: Second and Fourth Sundays
Lakeshore's Sunday School program is reclaiming an old idea in a new way - as we hope to gather children and youth of all ages to hear and discuss a bible lesson, and then share activities to explore that lesson. Historically, one room schoolhouses would combine several grades and have one or more teachers. Here at Lakeshore, we will be combining Grades 1-12 with one teacher, although we would really appreciate some members of the congregation coming forward to act as an aide during Sunday School. To care for this wide age range, the group will divide for discussion of the lesson and the activities - so an aide would be more than helpful!Our Sunday School program takes place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, at 9:30 AM between services. If you can help out as a volunteer teacher or aide, please let Jackie Ackerman or Pastor Cherie know.
Kids Kare
God has presented a special opportunity to our Sunday School students to participate in Christ's mission of grace and example the great generosity of our God! In November 12th each Sunday School student will receive an envelope with an amount of money in it. What this amount will be depends on how much we can raise for this mission. As of now we have $200 pledged. We would ask that if you think this mission, as described below is worthwhile, that you would donate something to the "kitty."In November each student will receive an envelope with money in it. They may NOT keep this for themselves or their family. They will choose an organization, family or individual that they want to give this envelope to. They may grow their money by asking others to donate to their envelope,do work to earn more dollars, or simply give what was originally in the envelope. There will be a general report form that they must return to their Sunday School teacher on November 26, 2023. The report will simply say "I donated my envelope's money to : 1.) organization name, or 2.) a family, or 3.) an individual. Neither the family nor the individual will be named in the report. We will also ask if they only used the money they were given or did they grow their amount and if so, how much did they give? We plan on reporting this to the congregation the first week in December!
Kids Kare
God has presented a special opportunity to our Sunday School students to participate in Christ's mission of grace and example the great generosity of our God! In November 12th each Sunday School student will receive an envelope with an amount of money in it. What this amount will be depends on how much we can raise for this mission. As of now we have $200 pledged. We would ask that if you think this mission, as described below is worthwhile, that you would donate something to the "kitty."In November each student will receive an envelope with money in it. They may NOT keep this for themselves or their family. They will choose an organization, family or individual that they want to give this envelope to. They may grow their money by asking others to donate to their envelope,do work to earn more dollars, or simply give what was originally in the envelope. There will be a general report form that they must return to their Sunday School teacher on November 26, 2023. The report will simply say "I donated my envelope's money to : 1.) organization name, or 2.) a family, or 3.) an individual. Neither the family nor the individual will be named in the report. We will also ask if they only used the money they were given or did they grow their amount and if so, how much did they give? We plan on reporting this to the congregation the first week in December!

Lakeshore Youth
For those of us who were baptized as infants or young children, one of the next steps we take in faith is affirming the gifts and promises made at our baptism.
Students who are 13 and older have the opportunity to join Pastor Cherie for a few months of classes, study, reflection, and activities. They also build relationships with a mentor during this time.
Following their confirmation journey, students affirm their faith and baptism, and are received as members of the church in a special worship service.

Lakeshore Adults
Sunday Morning Studies
Sundays from 9:30am-10:15am
We regularly gather on Sunday mornings to participate in book or bible studies. Join in the discussion!
Afternoon / Evening Studies
Various Dates & Times
Join us for a book or bible study, discussing relevant topics of faith and life. These studies often utilize a multimedia approach, and are conversation-centered.